NMR MIChI Workshops in NFDI4Chem
NFDI4Chem is facilitating and organising a series of international workshops in different subdisciplines of chemistry to develop domain-specific MI standards. Each of the developed standards will be a modular recommendation for Minimum Information on Chemical Investigations due to the sheer size and variability of the field. Prior to the publication of the standards, there will be a Request for Comments (RFC) as part of a public review of the standards. Here you can find all the workshops related to NMR and analytical chemistry. For a full-list of the workshops, please visit this link.
FAIR NMR Research Data Management
NFDI4Chem, in collaboration with IUPAC, has organized a workshop about FAIR NMR Research Data Management where experts contributing to the FAIRness and standardization of NMR data have participated in identifying challenges and finding solutions in this area. The discussions covered NMR repositories in NFDI4Chem and how to make their data more findable and interoperable, along with terminology, file formats, implementations, and validations. For more details, please visit this link
Date and Location: Karlsruhe: 07.06.2022 - 08.06.2022
Participants (Alphabetically): Dr. Damien Jeannerat, Dr. Gerhard Fink, Prof. Henry Rzepa](https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8635-8390), Dr. Ian Bruno, Dr. Johannes Liermann, Mr. Mark Archibald, Dr. Nicole Jung, Ms. Nisha Sharma, Ms. Noura Rayya, Prof. Robert Hanson, Dr. Stefan Kuhn, Prof. Steffen Neumann, Mr. Venkata Chandra Sekhar Nainala
NFDI4Chem Workshop Data Formats
Discussion on available data formats in analytical chemistry, can we make any available open formats a standard? And how can they evolve to be so? For more details, please visit this link
Date and Location: Hannover: 11.10.2022
Participants (Alphabetically): Mr. Adam Basha, Mr. Bhavin Katabathuni, Prof. Christoph Steinbeck, Ms. Claire Lin, Dr. David Rauh, Dr.-Ing Felix Bach, Dr. Giacomo Lanza, Dr. Holger Israel, Dr. Joachim Richert, Dr. Johannes Liermann, Ms. Leah McEwen, Michael Klix, Ms. Nikki Parks, Ms. Nisha Sharma, Ms. Noura Rayya, Ms. Pei-Chi Huang, Philip Strömert, Dr. René Meier, Dr. Rukeia El-Athman, Dr. Steffen Neumann, Dr. Timothy holbrook, Dr. Tobias Schulze
NMR Task Force Meeting
NMR Task Force Meeting was held for more detailed discussions on NMR across the several task areas within NFDI4Chem, and it resulted in drafting our Recommendation Standard for Reporting Liquid-State NMR Experiments of Small Molecules. For more details about the workshop, please visit this link
Date and Location: Jena: 19.07.2023
Participants (Alphabetically): Prof. Christoph Steinbeck, Dr. Eva Ziegler, Dr. Johannes Liermann, prof Luc Patiny, Dr. Nils Schlörer , Ms. Nisha Sharma, Ms. Noura Rayya, Dr. Pavel Kessler, Dr. Stefan Kuhn, Dr. Steffen Neumann, Dr. Tillmann Fischer, Mr. Venkata Chandra Sekhar Nainala.